Sunday, January 4, 2009

A thought before bed

A man given to pride is as a man lost at sea. Both desire sustentation and are destroyed by what they consume. As saltwater promises hydration and in turn destroys his body, so does the inward focus of pride destroy his soul.

May we turn to our holy and perfect Father, the only good and loving Creator, for our every thirst and need lest we unknowingly destroy ourselves. :) He is our ultimate and perfect end. May His name be praised!

In Christ, †††
-Brian Hinds

May we subsist in humble adoration of Him in His divine, undeniable, and righteous perfection!


Theophilus Christmas said...

Amen, amen. Thank you for the vivid image.

Does this mean the blog is back?

Karyn said...

you have good thoughts before going to bed...

The Devoted said...

Yes it does mean the blog is back sir. I am writing more often. It is healthy for me. Especially since I have more time.